
Creating a lasting impact in the lives of orphaned Burmese children

the crisis on the Thailand/Burma border

The civil war in Myanmar has undergone escalations in recent months with intensified fighting. This has resulted in various humanitarian implications, that even extend to Thailand as Burmese refugees, particularly children, seek asylum from the war. The influx of Burmese children into Thailand was brought to our attention and our organization was requested to come to Thailand and assess the needs and consider ways we can help.

These minors have experienced a considerable amount of trauma in their young lives. Many have lost their parents, some have been sent away by their parents to Thailand for safety and a better future while being unable to migrate themselves… others completely abandoned. In some cases we encountered, the legal guardian even considered selling the child.

There are endless difficult stories and cases.

During our scout trip we were particularly impacted by a children’s home & school where we heard many accounts and met the children first hand.

The home supports over 510 children, with roughly 140 orphan refugees from Burma. This number may rise even further due the unpredictable nature of the crisis. The home was found to be in need of financial assistance and staff assistance to improve the well being of the children. So we have committed to have a team present for the upcoming school year to provide food for the children, so that they would have sufficient nourishment and a balanced diet as well as volunteers to assist the present staff with the day-to-day running of the home and sharing the love of Jesus and making a lasting impact in their lives.

project statistics

510+ children

Around 140 of the children at the orphanage are Burmese children that have been abandoned by their parents and guardians. Their parents cannot legally relocate to Thailand and therefore leave their children behind, hoping for a better future for them.

Most of the children have had significant trauma related to living in an active war zone in Burma and being abandoned by or separated from their parents.

the project

We’re partnering with the orphanage to provide desperately needed food and care for the children. Some of them have Thai citizenship and the orphanage receives some support from the government for these children. There is no support at all for the Burmese orphans. There is an ongoing staff and funding shortage, with only six people available to care for all these children.

We have a team on the ground to assist with caring for the children and bringing in financial aid to help run the orphanage. 

get involved

Providing food for the children at the orphanage is $0.83 per child, per day. By donating $25, you’re helping us provide food and care for one of these children for a month. $500 will cover the expenses for the entire orphanage for a day.

Pray for wisdom, love and strength for the team as they care for the children and seek ways to improve their situation.

Amount raised so far:

This is a ten-month commitment and comes with an expense of $15,000 per month, with a total of $150,000. We are looking for individuals and churches who want to partner with us on a monthly basis for this time period to fulfill our commitment.

A gift of $25, $50, or even $100 per month for 10 months will go a long way to helping us accomplish this goal!

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