Project Update From Ukraine

During the last several weeks we have taken a step back and are in the process of evaluating the needs in Ukraine. We are specifically looking at the different areas of need and for ways to maximize our impact. There are still areas of acute need, and other places where the needs have stabilized as things shift and evolve with the war.
Currently, we are moving 50,000 pounds of food each week, along with gospel literature, and hygiene and medical supplies. We are leasing a bigger warehouse that will allow us to operate more efficiently and better involve partner organizations.
Thank you so much for your support with the work in Ukraine. We invite you to continue praying for the work here.

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the latest posts:

Ukraine Update 4/19

Part 2We pleaded with them for a long time to leave and they almost agreed to be evacuated, but the son decided he would stay

Ukraine Update 4/18

Part 1The skies were clear as we headed East, and as we neared our destination, we could see Russian jets dropping their bombs along the

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