We get to hear all kinds of interesting stories and here is one we needed to pass on! This is a testimony from an organization we supply in Russian held territory. They meet us on the Ukrainian side and take the supplies into Russian-held territory, which is very risky business.
Our friends had a distribution center in Berdiansk, a Russian-occupied city in Zaporizhzhya oblast (Ukrainian district). We send food and hygiene supplies to them every week. Last week, the Russian military broke into their hub and began to threaten the volunteers. They threatened to take all of the humanitarian supplies that they found there. Desperate, the volunteers showed the Russians the Bibles that had come with the last load of supplies and told them that the stuff came from a Christian organization. For some reason, after seeing the Bibles, the Russians backed up and left them alone, after forbidding them to hold any further distributions at that building. The distributions have now been moved to another place in the city and continue on.
The photos are from one of the recent trips to the isolated villages and towns on on the front lines. Usually, there is little to no aid going in, because of restricted or military-only access. By partnering with military chaplains, we can access these areas and set up distributions as well as the delivering the Gospel message to the people there. They are extremely grateful and oftentimes the fact that we came means more to them than the supplies that we bring. They know that they haven’t been forgotten.
We’d like to pass on their ‘Thank you!’ to all of our supporters. We couldn’t do this by ourselves and your support is crucial to keeping the operation going. Thank you for helping us help them.