Reaching Closed Areas

Praise the Lord! We were able to successfully reach the church in eastern Ukraine. From there, we were able to provide about 300 loaves of bread for a group of soldiers headed to the front lines where they will be passing it out. Afterwards, a local pastor and military chaplain took us to a city where about 100-150 people were waiting to receive food. We had a small service, the gospel was shared, then we passed out food bags, bread, and potatoes. The people were very grateful for the food and to hear the Gospel.
We are hoping to get more supplies very soon so that we can push further east to some cities under heavy attack, where people are hiding in their basements, lacking food, water, electricity and desperately need help. Would you pray for the team so that we can reach these people with food and evacuate those that need it? We couldn’t possibly complete our mission projects without your support in prayer and finances and for that we once again say thank you!

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