Vermont Flood Response 7/16

[Vermont Flooding]
Approximately 500 buildings in Montpelier have been damaged, and many of these are small businesses. Fortunately for the people of Montpelier, they have been on the news and there is a fair number of volunteers showing up to help.
In Barre, a town situated 20 minutes southeast of Montpelier, there are about 400 buildings that got water damage from the flood. The biggest needs here are volunteers to clean out the basements and gut the walls. Unfortunately there are significantly less volunteers in Barre than in Montpelier.
There are also many smaller towns with 20-30 buildings affected in the surrounding region, but the Barre and Montpelier took the hardest hits.
This cleanup is going to be an overwhelming amount of work and while the local people are pitching in and doing their best, it will be huge and depressing job on their own. We are now taking volunteers and accepting donations to help the local population.
To Donate towards flood clean up follow link below
Or to volunteer use the signup link

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