
Colombia Project Update

In 2019, we started working with the Venezuelan refugees in Colombia. Since then we have been assisting these Venezuelans and the most needy Colombians by providing food, water, medicine, Gospel literature, discipleship, children’s programs, and hope. We were blessed to witness numerous people accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

Over time we felt there was a shift from people needing aid to needing discipleship. We gradually closed the aid part of the work and focused more on discipleship. Since then the decision has been made to close the project while some of the long term staff continues to develop relationships with some of the key church leaders in the area. They will do this from the U.S. with occasional trips to Colombia.

We thank the staff and volunteers that poured their hearts and time into this work. We also thank the donors and prayer supporters for their contributions and for making this project possible.

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