Ukraine Update

The last several weeks we have been busy distributing food, having church services and distributions on the front lines, and doing evacuations.
The first two weeks we had one team busy doing evacuations. That has slowed down and has now almost stopped. We learned a lot in those two weeks, including learning to know other groups who do what we’re doing.
Right now we have more work available than we can handle. There is a lot of opportunity here. There are plenty of resources here in Ukraine, but the management to connect the resources to the need is often missing.
Pray for us as we navigate through this and figure out which opportunities to pick up and which ones to let go. Thank you for your prayers and support!

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the latest posts:

Ukraine Update 4/19

Part 2We pleaded with them for a long time to leave and they almost agreed to be evacuated, but the son decided he would stay

Ukraine Update 4/18

Part 1The skies were clear as we headed East, and as we neared our destination, we could see Russian jets dropping their bombs along the

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