Team Member Post

This post is from one of our amazing team members currently in Ukraine:

I have NEVER felt or seen Gods favor, protection, provision, miracles, the Angel armies, and the prayers of thousands of people, like I have in the last 2 weeks! In the middle of a country at war, bombs pounding in the distance or overhead, the “enemy” a town over from where we spend the night, going behind and into enemy territory, evacuating hundreds of people, hauling supplies and food to people who have nothing, holding women while they sob gut wrenching sobs, watching them say goodbye to loved ones, holding their hands as we are leaving their villages, friends and family behind, the grateful hugs and kisses.
It’s HARD to process that.
SO MANY emotions.
At night the tears fall.
My heart breaks.
No human should EVER have to experience this.
I don’t understand it.
But one thing I do know is, that through alll of it, EVERY SINGLE moment there is a peace that surpasses all understanding, there is absolutely not a shadow of a doubt that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, there is no fear, only a deep childlike trust and faith in God and his sovereignty and that every single day His grace is sufficient. So there ain’t no stopping now. 💪🏼💪🏼

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