Ukraine Project Update

One of the most important things we do in Ukraine is take loads of food and other humanitarian supplies to organizations reaching the individual citizens. Our average load is two thousand pounds.
We have partnered with and are supplying twenty-five different groups. These groups are churches, Ukrainian individuals, emergency services, nursing homes, military units, IDP shelters, and hospitals.
Most of these groups are the ones that do the final distribution of the products, but some are the actual end consumer. To date, we have moved 680,000 pounds of food and supplies and evacuated 638 people.
During this last month, we have been focusing on moving supplies to the churches and villages in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine. The Donbas region, out of all the contested areas in Ukraine, is where the Russian military is pushing the hardest.
Many of the churches we supply with food and hygiene supplies are feeding hundreds of displaced people or taking the product out to the towns and villages closer to where the fighting is.
Many of the people still living in these places don’t have anywhere else to go. The people lost their jobs because of the war, and all the stores closed, so they are dependent on their little farms, gardens, and people who come alongside and assist them.
We also take pastors along to these places, and we see people committing their lives to Jesus Christ, and lives being impacted. In many of these places, we receive an extra warm welcome. They live lonely lives with bombs falling around them, and it’s healing to have people show up with love, encouragement, and a gospel message of hope.
If you’d like to support the work in Ukraine use the link below! Thank you!!

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