Haiti Update 3/16

Part 2 – From Our International field directer:
At one point, we went to the island where we are working. This is also a poverty-stricken part of Haiti. Their situation is probably even worse than the mountains. This isolated little island is off the coast and only accessible by boat. Boats are very expensive and there are hardly any jobs available. It makes is very difficult to survive. There are no cars and motorcycles on the island, some of the children don’t even know what that is. Here, we visited a village and distributed food to 105 families. Moving on, the next stop was a church in a neighboring village. At the church we held a small children’s program with around eighty children, they sang and heard the gospel. Afterwards, we handed drinking water, a pack of crackers, and a Children’s 101 Bible story book to each child.
The past week has been a true blessing. It meant a lot to me to see the work here firsthand and to be a part of it. Traveling up and down treacherous mountain roads and through valleys. According to many people, this is the worst crisis they have ever seen. It became more real for me, when I saw how their livelihood is destroyed when their bean fields die in the scorching weather. And there is no hope for food to come because prices are skyrocketing as the gangs continue to hold the shipping ports hostage. Everything that comes through is heavily taxed by the gangs.
Please continue to pray for our team and the work in Haiti. May God bless you and thank you for supporting our efforts in Haiti.

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