One Story out of Many

One of the homes we worked on today belonged to two older ladies. They had 18 inches of water in the house during the heavy rain and had stayed in the house when it flooded. By the time they knew they needed to get out, they couldn’t anymore. The water went down and they have been living in it since. It’s extremely difficult to make it without electricity and water (other than what people bring to them) and the whole house has an inch of mud in it. There is still a lot of cleanup to be done inside, and they work on cleaning it a little bit at a time. The house foundation partly washed out and the house shifted some. We don’t know yet if the house is salvageable. But because they don’t know what else to do, these ladies are living in as of right now. 

Thank you so much for making it possible to help people like them, whether by volunteering, donation, or prayer. It makes a difference.

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