Getting Ready for the Hurricane Season

While we have teams overseas, we are also gearing up and making sure we are ready to respond to the next disaster here in the United States.
We currently have an RV fully equipped, stocked, and ready to go. We also have trained teams that are willing and ready to respond as soon as a disaster strikes.
We recently purchased a tool trailer and are equipping it for tool organization. Once that is done, we will be purchasing the rest of the tools still needed to fully stock the trailer. We will then be able to send it with the RV to respond to disasters.
We learned a lot from our Kentucky response and are now working on streamlining our field office operations. We will be working on this for quite awhile, but it is exciting to see progress being made!

photos from the Kentucky project

Your donation will help us respond to disasters within the US . We normally deploy 24 hours to help the communities that get hit by storms, earthquakes, flooding and other disasters. 

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