Getting Ready for Another Week

The last several days our teams have put in long hours on the road. Yesterday we rested, attended a local church, and loaded the vans with supplies for tomorrow. We also spent several hours looking at maps and strategizing the best ways to evacuate people that are currently stuck in hot zones. At the end of it all, we went to God to get our next steps from Him.
Pray for us and northwestern Ukraine. We are facing the possibility of a Russian invasion from Belarus into northwestern Ukraine. Pray that God’s law and principles would reign and that we would have wisdom as we make decisions.

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Ukraine Update 4/19

Part 2We pleaded with them for a long time to leave and they almost agreed to be evacuated, but the son decided he would stay

Ukraine Update 4/18

Part 1The skies were clear as we headed East, and as we neared our destination, we could see Russian jets dropping their bombs along the

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