Our Base in Ukraine

Our base is located in a large, spacious nursing home. It is the ideal setting for us. There are three elderly people living here along with their care takers. The nursing home also serves as the community center, and many local people often drop by for food and fellowship.

The caretakers cook for everyone here. At a normal meal, they usually serve our team, the nursing home residents, numerous refugees, and random community and church people that happen to be here. We eat big meals and are blessed by the rich fellowship we experience.

We are learning to deeply appreciate this community and their passion for God and each other. It is a blessing to work alongside them.

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Ukraine Update 4/19

Part 2We pleaded with them for a long time to leave and they almost agreed to be evacuated, but the son decided he would stay

Ukraine Update 4/18

Part 1The skies were clear as we headed East, and as we neared our destination, we could see Russian jets dropping their bombs along the

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